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Dow Corning Encapsulants  provide Power for  LEDs

December29, 2014: Dow Corning's latest potting compound technology supports higherlight transmittance and provides a strong impetus for the development of theLED market. Dow Corning recently developed three new two-part HRI silicone encapsulantsto support the fast-growing light-emitting diode (LED) market. According toexperts from China Epoxy Network (China Epoxy Industry Online),Dow Corning's new potting compound not only provides higher light transmittanceand hardness suitable for various applications, but also for high temperatureand chemical corrosion. The excellent resistance to UV radiation is better thanother LED potting compounds on the market. According to market research companyStrategies Unlimited, as LED takes root in the lighting market and graduallyexpands applications to products such as automotive, mobile phones, laptops,and LCD TV backlighting systems, global LED sales will grow by more than 60% inthe next three years, and it reached $ 8 billion in 2010.

Sincesilicone potting compound can improve the efficiency and durability ofcomponents, it can drive the growth of the LED market. Most LEDs are coveredwith a protective potting compound to avoid electrical and environmentaldamage, while increasing light output and minimizing heat buildup. In addition,the potting compound can also be molded into a lens sheet shape. Most of thepotting compound is still made of epoxy resin and other organic materials,because their hardness, transparency and low cost are more in line withapplication requirements. According to experts from China Epoxy Network (ChinaEpoxy Industry Online) but as the electronics industry developshigh-power high-brightness LEDs, silicone encapsulants are becoming more andmore popular. Because the silicone potting compound can not only withstand theLED operating temperature far exceeding the epoxy resin, but also be compatiblewith the lead-free reflow process, it also provides extremely high lighttransmittance, excellent material adhesion, low moisture absorption, as well asvarious hardness and viscosity.

DowCorning's new two-component high refractive index potting compounds come in atotal of three formulations, each with its most suitable use and process. Accordingto experts from China Epoxy Network (China Epoxy Industry Online), Dow Corning OE-6665 A / B provides maximum hardness and lowviscosity, and Dow Corning OE-6630 A / B provides softer formula and Similarlow viscosity, while Dow Corning OE-6635 A / B also provides softeringredients, but doubles the viscosity. All three products have extremely hightransparency with a refractive index of 1.53. In comparison, the other siliconepotting products on the market have a refractive index of only 1.4 Billy Han,Dow Corning ’s global marketing manager for LED and light source managementproducts, said: “In addition to providing far more light output than existingformulations, the new potting compounds also have the inherent heat resistanceand durability of silicone. Dow Corning believes LED potting compounds havegreat growth potential, and we are very happy to develop new materials that aremore stable and heat-resistant to help drive market growth.